I’ve made a few updates. This mission statement at the top of the home page has been updated. Also, I’ve created a new “About” page with my intentions for the site, which reads as follows:
“My intention for this site is to define a safe and welcoming space for everyone, regardless of race, creed, color, ability or disposition, so long as they practice relentless kindness and compassion toward everyone while they are here. Personal attacks, hate speech and bigotry of all kinds are not allowed here. Open hearts, open minds and giving everyone the “benefit of the doubt.” are strongly encouraged. Giving everyone the benefit of the doubt means assuming that their intentions and motivations are benign, at least until proven otherwise. It means really listening, seeking clarification when needed and ,whenever possible, not taking things personally. It means not considering people who have a bad idea as bad people.
My understanding of tolerance is that we should be tolerant everything that is not intolerant. Except for the cis sexist pronouns, I concur with the definition of libery published in the 1789 French Revolutionary Declaration of the Rights of Man. “Liberty consists in the ability to do whatever does not harm another; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man person has no other limits than those which assure to other members of society the enjoyment of the same rights.”
My understanding of compassion is that we should be compassionate towards everyone, especially to those who are uncompassionate.”
The first words of the Buddha’s teaching are “Hatred never ceases by hatred. Hatred ceases by love alone.” I invite all creatures, great and small, high and low, light and dark, having lived, now living or in the future and on all planes, planets and dimensions to practice with me in this way.